Final night at the Holiday Inn
Tonight is my the final night at the Holiday Inn Expressperhaps for some time. After returning from the office this evening I got changed, packed clothes into the bag, and only left enough clothes out to change into in the morning. While doing so I became amused at my own behaviourmy continual attempts to make the world around me neat, tidy, orderly, and simple.
Given that I write software for a living, and have been something of a business process management specialist over the last couple of years, I guess the thought processes are cross-populating into daily life. I've always been a bit of a productivity nutever since working in Londonbut it's rapidly showing itself in almost everything I do.
I'm debating making some complaints about my room when I check out. If I do, it will be the first time I have done so during my many stays here, which is a shame really. It's trivial things, but they add upthe sink seems to be partially blocked, and the room smells faintly of smokeI booked a NON smoking room on purpose. Other than that, it's always a pleasure staying herethe staff are friendly, and the free breakfasts are fine (sausages, eggs, beans, pastries, coffee, cereals, yoghurt, etc).
I've sat in the bar a few times after work for a drink, but I don't really like sitting in a bar on my ownand forcing conversation with strangers is hard too. I get on with women far better than menalways havebut a single guy striking up conversation with a woman is always going to look like something other than just passing the time.
With a little luck the 5 hour adventure across the country's rail networks tomorrow evening will unfold without incident, and I'll be home in time for tea and medalsand maybe a huge from the children if they're allowed to stay up late.
I can't quite believe how much time I have spent on the road this yearwhile wandering towards the hotel this evening I figured out I've been home for about 10 days in total since Christmas. Working in London is easier in a way because I get home before the children go to bedbut working away entirely is much harder on them, because they invariably just get a phone call in the morning and the evening.
Anyway I have the remnants of a bottle of red wine I bought from the local supermarket to drink, and a book to read. I'm trying to get back into the habit of reading.