Finally the Weekend
I worked from home today. I have an arrangement over the next few weeks to work from home in order to take our eldest daughter to a regular therapist appointment – she's getting help to deal with the anxiety she has been battling with for the last few years. She's doing “cognitive behavioral therapy” – I find the whole premise really interesting – that instead of trying to fix the anxiety itself, you instead work out coping techniques, and train yourself to use them when things are getting on top of you.
Because my other half drives our battle-weary car, we get an Uber to the appointment each week. I had never used Uber until recently, and have been massively impressed so far. Today we had a young Polish man drive us back, who unraveled his life story in the space of fifteen minutes. I seem to have this effect on people. He had been here for ten years, and had taught himself to speak, read, and write English. He left Poland because there was no work, and currently works two jobs to make ends meet – one being the Uber gig.
After getting home I then accompanied Miss 19 to a job interview nearby. I had asked her to tell her therapist about the upcoming interview, in the hope that she would be armed with methods of dealing with her nerves – it appeared to work – late this afternoon she got a call essentially offering her the job.
Tomorrow I'm heading into town in the morning with my other half – she needs to visit the optician, and I'm going to look at new bicycles. We talked about it in the week – about the futility of spending any sort of money fixing my bike, when a replacement would cost a similar amount. I already know what I'm going to go for – a Trek hybrid called a “city bike”. All it will ever have to do is carry me from home to work and back, so there's no point getting anything fancy, or that will require any sort of maintenance.
Finally, I have a new podcast out! I actually recorded it late last week, and kept it back until today. It's by far the longest episode so far – over an hour – but it really didn't seem like that while recording it. I talk to Jon Jacob – an old friend from the internet – about life, work, blogging, podcasting (he has a wonderful podcast of his own), and all sorts of memories of school, computers, and the internet. It was great fun to record – hopefully those that listen to it will like it too.
It's time to go and make myself something to drink, and to fall gracefully into the weekend. I've promised to take Miss 19 into London on Sunday while her younger sisters play in various rugby tournaments. At the moment keeping her busy seems to be the best medicine for her struggles.