Finding Inspiration

While scrolling Facebook over the last few days, the mysterious algorithm decided to start sharing the posts of an ex-colleague with me. He has been absent from social media for quite some time, but in recent days – since the beginning of the Corona Virus lock-down, he has been posting humorous journal entries – his daily life and thoughts. And it's been kind of wonderful.

I'm thinking about following his lead. If enough people join in, it might even make Facebook an entertaining and diverting destination, instead of a frustrating, and often depressing maelstrom of noise, fear, uncertainty and doubt.


Today was a pretty good day. We were all at home for the first time. My other half had a day off, the younger children did school work, our eldest daughter baked cakes, and I excavated a rather impressive hole in my knowledge about something to do with work.

While working from home I have been sitting in the relative quiet of the junk room, while the children have taken up station at the dining table with their laptops and books. Tomorrow I'll be joined by my other half – she's working from home on the new school website.

We had a delivery today from a local produce company. They started out a couple of years ago, encouraging people to re-fill existing containers instead of adding to the single-use-plastic idiocy. You would normally wander to their shop with your empty container (of rice, flour, washing liquid – whatever really), and they let you fill it back up from their various stocks. They have rapidly pivoted to a delivery model given the current lock-down rules – and arrived late this afternoon with a selection of paper bags. We might not be able to buy bread from the shops at the moment, but we can at least make it.

We're currently wondering about acquiring some chickens from a local farm. We still have a chicken run at the end of the garden – it wouldn't take much work to clean it out and make it good once again. We had chickens when the children were young, but they were eventually killed by foxes. If we're careful, we could have an endless supply of eggs – probably more than we need, and could then help some of the “at risk” people in the neighborhood too.

So. The clock is ticking towards midnight. It's probably time to put an end to this ever-so-slightly ridiculous post.

p.s. I still haven't really got very far with the whole “read all the books” idea. Maybe the weekend might help with that.