Fine With That
It's heading towards midnight, and I'm sitting in the junk room, thinking back through the day. Unfortunately sitting in front of a desk all day writing software doesn't really translate into interesting, entertaining, or insightful words of wisdom.
I looked in on LinkedIn while on a coffee break this morning, and almost convinced myself that it might be a good idea to write opinion pieces about software development, web development, computers, technology, the social internet, and so on.
Here's the thing though – I tend to look at all the people posting their stuff on LinkedIn, and think they're all frauds – that they're all pretending to be somebody, or something. Worky work people posting about worky work things to impress other worky work people. A bit like fashion and beauty magazines – written by aloof female journalists to instruct other women how to look, and make them feel bad about themselves if at all possible.
I suppose I've got to the stage in my career where I don't really have to try and impress or prove anything to anybody. I'm quite happy sitting quietly at my desk churning out elegant, efficient, fast, logical code that my co-workers can understand, and invariably gets buried in the underbelly of systems and forgotten about.
There's a strange duality when it comes to software development – the better you do your job, the less anybody notices – and I'm fine with that.