Five minutes respite from the madness
My work computer, running a shiny new copy of Windows 8, decided to follow the instructions of Chief Crazy Horse today, and agreed that “today would be a good day to die”. I know it was Chief Crazy Horse that first uttered the immortal phrase, because I just looked it up on Wikipedia, and Wikipedia never lies.
While connected to a client's servers, with a virtual machine running, and numerous windows open, the screen began flickering wildly.After a stuttering pause, Windows 8 went blue. I haven't seen a blue screen in a very long time. It was quite entertaining at first – or at least until I realised the virtual machine I have been using was borked (“borked” courtesy of the Swedish Chef on the muppet show, if you're wondering). By pure chance I had a backup – if not, I would still be sat here now, headbutting the desk repeatedly.
Anyway. I didn't stop at lunchtime, and seeing my workload come to a surprising halt just now, thought it might be a good idea to have fifteen minutes to myself. Me time. At work. It is allowed, honest.
It somehow felt like this weekend didn't happen at all. I remarked to a close friend on the internet last night that I hadn't posted anything, anywhere on the internet on Sundayat all...which is unheard of. No tweets, photos, facebook updates, blog posts, tumblr posts... nothing. I'll admit that at least part of the reason for that was that damn fool “Mindcraft” game again, but otherwise it was juststuff... washing, folding clothes, putting stuff away, tidying up, washing up... (asleep yet?)
Going grocery shopping en-masse yesterday afternoon was fun in the same way that being cooked by cannibals is probably fun. W told me I had to pick my battles when Miss Seven and Miss Eight wanted to take their toy swords with them to the supermarket. I spent the hour we were there repeatedly stopping them from re-staging the adventures of Robin Hood. I had visions of being thrown out of the store entirely, but thankfully it appears grown-ups are far more of a problem in supermarkets; pushing into you, pushing past you, not looking where they are going, dithering, leaving their shopping in your way... it's quite entertaining really – as long as you're not there at the time.
And so my fifteen minutes comes to an end. Better get on with some work.