Friday Afternoon

I didn't really take a lunch break earlier, so I'm taking a late break and emptying my head into the keyboard. I'm trying out a text editor thing called “Draft” on the interwebs, with the idea that it saves stuff as you writeso having something like Tumblr or WordPress fall over won't happen. I guess I could use Microsoft Word Online or something too. I never thought of that.(twenty seconds later, Microsoft Word Online is in another browser tab, and copy/paste has done it's magic).

A little earlierbefore being run over by work that wiped out my lunchtimeI pulled together the archives of the blog posts I have written over the last 11 years, and threw them onto DropBox. I posted about them to Tumblr, but I can't imagine why anybody would really want to read themthey are hardly earth shatteringly interesting to anybody but me.

While checking the archives, I started reading, and realised how I have changed over the years. I used too write about anything and everything. I would write when I had nothing to write aboutjust daydreaming in the form of words. It made me realise that I want to get back to thatto just empty my head onto the screen.

So here I amemptying my head. Writing about nothing and everything. It's going to be incredibly tedious for the reader from time to time, but at least it will be honest, and original, and different.

I'm hungry. I brought cold pizza in for lunch today (leftovers from Dominos ordered last night for our eldest's birthday). She got a Ukulele for her birthdayshe had mentioned them a few weeks ago to my other half, and it turns out our local music shop has hundreds of them, and a club. I can't imagine she will go to the club, because she's not that kind of kid, but it was wonderful hearing her picking out a tune last night (from behind a closed bedroom door).

We are heading to “Thorpe Park” this weekenda huge amusement park. I have no idea where it is”not that far” is all I've been told so far. Expect photos.