Full Circle
After a somewhat epic journey around the internet over the last few months, I'm back where I started, and somehow enthused about writing something worth reading for a change. I'm not quite sure how that happens – where the words come from.
A huge vote of thanks goes to the Wordpress 'Happiness Engineer' that took my call this afternoon, and performed various magic tricks behind the scenes to resurrect a long dead account, and a cancelled domain name. I discovered that long held impossibilities were in fact possibilities.
The posts arrived back over lunchtime, after writing some programming to empty the temporary Tumblr rowing boat that had carried them for the last month, and re-publish them to Wordpress. I'm still undecided about adding photos to the posts going forwards. So many people now use stock photos that they almost seem like a cliche when you see them.
Anyway. I'm back. Back where I started. Back where it all began.
Here's to the future.