Going Nowhere

It's Friday morning, and I'm sitting in the study at home, watching the world go by. I'm not going into work today – still suffering with the after-effects of flu, and fed up of writing about it to be honest (I'm sure you're fed up of hearing about it too). I'm hoping a day of doing nothing will help my body recover.

Of course “doing nothing” is laughable really. Our younger children were at a sleepover last night – they arrived back at 7:30am, knocking on the front door. I arrived downstairs looking pretty much like I had just walked from a gas explosion. I have a spectacular bed-head – my other half claims some people pay for hair that does what mine does naturally.

I've had a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had a coffee, and read the internet for a bit. It's still only 9:30am. I got sucked into George R R Martin's LiveJournal debate about the Hugo awards for over an hour.

You can tell the kids are back – there are two televisions at full volume already. Peppa Pig in one room, and Harry Potter in another. Miss 14 hasn't shown her face yet. I'm guessing she'll appear nearer to lunchtime – if we're lucky.

Time to make another coffee.