Good Intentions
This evening somehow turned into just the sort of recursive rabbit hole I seem to specialise in. It started out on a Linux laptop late in the evening, with all the good intentions of writing something interesting, insightful, and worthy. It ended three hours later having written nothing at all.
In order to prevent myself from getting distracted, I thought “I know, I'll use a text editor from the 1980s – because then I can't keep getting sidetracked by the temptation to check on Twitter, Email, or to start dicking around with playlists on Spotify. A few minutes later my trusty old laptop had transformed itself into a pretend Commodore Amiga – a 16 bit computer from the late 1980s – running a word processor called “Protext”. Perfect.
Of course this is me though – and I started wondering “I wonder how well this might work on the other laptop? The one running the new build of Elementary OS...”. Minutes later I had fired the other laptop up, and was busily copying files across – so it too could take part in the evening-busting adventure with me.
Somewhere along the line I thought it might be fun to make it emulate MS-DOS too – to turn it into an early 1990s PC, so i might run an old character based version of Microsoft Word. And that's when the wheels fell off my wagon. Without boring you with the black-hole that is Flatpak, Linux, and all manner of unfolding idiocy, I couldn't figure out how to find a configuration file that should have been there.
The next time I looked up, two hours had passed, and I had written nothing.