Growing more distant from the Social Internet
Over the past few weeks I have sensed an ever increasing gulf between myself and the “open social internet”by that, I mean the public posts on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and so on.
It's begun to feel like we all play a part at each social destination on the internet, and it all feels so false. We each have a charactersometimes our own, sometimes inventedthat we play in each realm. While it's pretty simple for meit's either “professional me”, or “personal me”, I can't help feeling that others are playing much more complicated games, and I don't know if I can be bothered with it any more.
It's worth stating that nobody in particular has caused this change of heart towards the internet at largeit's been more of a creeping realisation. I don't know. Maybe a part of it is that I'm writing this on the Monday evening of a bank holiday weekend, with the prosect of returning to work in the morning.
Before anybody mentions it, of course this flies in the face of the post about “Non Contributors” that I wrote the other day. If nothing else, I am contrary to the point of idiocy.