Haircuts and Baked Potatoes

I cut my Dad's hair this morning. He sat in a chair in the middle of the lounge while I figured out how to use his hair clippers. He received the same all-purpose haircut I give myself – although not quite as short as I go. My Mum stood over me throughout, expecting me to decapitate him or something. At the end she remarked how much more quickly I did it than when she does – I'm not quite sure how anybody could take more than a few minutes to clipper somebody's hair off.

He's a little better again today – although there are still moments when he doesn't know what to do with himself. I don't envy the endless stream of tablets he's taking either. I don't think he'll be back to any kind of normal for several months but at least he's through the worst of his ordeal (fingers crossed).

For dinner this evening I made baked potatoes with a salad, and used the leftover chilli from earlier in the week. Everybody cleared their plate, so I must have done something right. Tomorrow night's meal will be chicken curry. I'm not sure what we'll do on Friday night yet – we'll figure it out when we get there, I suppose.

After being holed up in my parents house for the last few days, I'm going slightly stir-crazy. Now I know my Dad is on the mend I'm going to escape for a couple of hours tomorrow (if the weather is nice) and walk down to the sea. The walk is fairly steep, passing through farmland as it winds it's way down. It's about a two mile walk each way.

Note to self – must check the tide times.

In other news, inbetween making meals, washing up, and helping stop my Mum from fussing today I crossed path with a kindred spirit on the internet, and the world has seemed a little bit smaller and a little bit more friendly this evening. Long may it continue.