Half and Hour Left

I have half an hour left until I get to switch my computer off, climb aboard my trusty bicycle, and pedal my way back towards town. I’m already wondering what ass-hattery will be thrown at me during the journey – this morning was the third in a row where cars have pulled out in front of me with no indication what-so-ever regarding what they were about to do. Apparently I’m invisible.

(I can assure you I am anything but invisible – I stand about 6'3” tall, and typically wear a bright green cycle helmet – forgoing fashion to perhaps save my life one day).

Earlier in the week a guy on a bike behind me saw a car pull out, and me slide to a stop in the middle of the road, shaking my head. He shouted out that he couldn’t believe what he had just seen – he’s obviously not been cycling on the road recently.

I think people in general are getting worse – in all sorts of ways. They seem to care less and less about anything other than themselves with each passing year. I’m not so sure it’s down to social media either – as the press would have you believe – I think it’s a generational thing. The entitled generation – artists formerly known as the hipsters.

Anyway. Enough about the impending journey home.

I’m waiting for the leviathan I have been working on for the last six months to install on a test server before packaging it up once again. While waiting for it to do it’s thing, I installed Snapchat on my phone. Don’t ask why. I don’t know many people full-stop, let alone people who use Snapchat. I might have to sit down with my 17 year old daughter, to have the mysteries of Snapchat explained to me – you know, as you might explain them to a small child.

If you do happen to use snapchat, feel free to add me – “recursive.words” – and I will hopelessly fail to reply in any sort of timely, imaginative, or amusing manner – well, at least until Miss 17 has explained everything to me.