Has Anyone Seen My Horse?
It's been three days since the last blog post. That's probably a record of sorts. I have no idea what my longest streak of “every day” posts has been in the past, because I'm not enough of a nerd to track things to that extent. It feels like I've not so much fallen off the social horse, as lost the horse entirely.
The absence hasn't just been from the blog – I have also been absent from KIK, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram – the platforms I have typically frequented over the last few years. Is this the end of “me” on the social internet? Probably not. I have realised a few things though.
I had fallen into a pattern – quite unwittingly – of posting things that I thought others might want to see, rather than things I wanted to share. There's a difference.
I also realised that there are only a few people I really care about keeping in touch with – which sounds awful – but when it comes down to it, many of my “friendships” with others on the internet are a very one-way-street. I don't think it's necessarily a conscious thing, it's just the way some people are. Some people attract attention, and have never had to be the person that fosters new friendships – in some ways their version of being a “friend” is not the same as mine or yours – and you can't really say it's their fault – it's just the way they are. That being said though, I am fed up of being the person doing all the work.
So what tremendously exciting and diverting things have been going on in my life that warrant disappearance from the internet?
This week has seen each of our children finish school for the summer. The two older children finished on Tuesday, and our youngest finishes at lunchtime today. I imagine she's eating her final packed lunch right now (no more making packed lunches for the next 6 weeks!). She is finishing junior school, and moving on to a different school than her sisters – involving transport, and all sorts of other considerations. I'll no doubt write more about it later in the summer, but for now let's just celebrate the new school having a canteen (therefore one less packed lunch to make each day – and that's the most important take-away from all of this really).
In return for doing so well at school this year, Miss 12 received the “LEGO City Undercover” game for the Wii U. We haven't seen her for the last two days – I've never seen a child obsess over a video game so much. I bought it after discovering her watching back-to-back playthrough videos of somebody playing the game on YouTube.
In the evenings this week I have been going out with the children, chaperoning them while they play Pokemon Go on my work phone. Rather idiotically, my work phone is the only one we have remotely powerful enough to run the game. I think I've already written about the “have” and “have not” disparity this is going to force on the local children. I'm not impressed. Last night we spent half an hour trying to play the game, and it failed to login at all – so they didn't get to play it. They got on the Trampoline in the back garden instead.
Work this week has been a bit mad – finishing up some development projects, travelling around to show clever stuff to potential future clients, watching webinars, and doing remote demonstrations over the internet. Work through the summer is going to be a bit mad – I can see various trips away scheduled around our vacation later in the summer, and I'm wondering how we're going to do it all.
So yeah... I've not really “missed” writing a blog over the last few days – and I don't have that much to report, other than “life goes on”. Perhaps that's a good thing.
Time to make a coffee.