Headache From Hell

I left work early today, after fighting a headache that kept getting worse. It got to the point where I was squinting at the computer screen in front of me, fighting to think straight. After finally giving in I slowly cycled home, took some ibuprofen, drank a pint of water, and am now sitting in the junk room with a cup of tea. Let’s hope tomorrow is better.

Being home mid-afternoon means I get to see the children come home from school. If there is a positive to take from being sick and getting home early, it’s seeing the surprise on their face when you open the door, and hearing the story of their day tumble from them as they follow you back into the house.

Miss 17 started her second work placement today – working on a day release from college as a teaching assistant at the local infant school. Previously she had been working with pre-school children, and has come home after one day with year one asking what the future path might look like to become a teacher.

While writing this Miss 14 is singing (incredibly badly) in her bedroom, Miss 13 is badgering my other half with question after question in the kitchen, and Miss 17 is chilling out with Netflix in her room (or at least, that’s what it sounds like). This is life for us at the moment – a perpetually noisy house, filled with chaos, questions, unintentionally hilarious singing, and music and television pumping out of several rooms simultaneously.

I just gave the children all of my remaining loose change to go and buy themselves ice creams. You would have thought they had won the lottery.