Hello Again

Well this is an unexpected turn of events. If you arrived here via an email I sent you, or a blog post you read elsewhere, you’ve just learned that I upped sticks from where I used to write, and have begun writing here instead. If you’ve seen me do this before, you’re probably rolling your eyes, and getting ready to delete me from your bookmarks or feed aggregator, because you’ve had enough. Let’s get straight to it – why did I move the blog (again) ? Because the previous one had slowly but surely descended into a vanilla load of rubbish about nothing at all. Don’t get me wrong – the blog will still be about nothing at all – I’m good at nothing at all – but it will be a little less vanilla. Oh, and I won’t be attaching stock photos to the start of every post either. I’m still not entirely sure why I started doing that.

I guess the major reason I’m moving back to an “anonymous” blog, is because I’ve never been entirely comfortable with work and extended family reading my posts. We’ve all been there – we’ve all had some nosy parker from the other end of the building read our blog. We’ve also had an email from either our parents, or a distant relative, unhappy with something we’ve written – no matter how innocuous it might have been. It’s not that I’m worried about writing anything incendiary – it’s more that I don’t want to have to deal with those people any more. Does that make sense ?

I just want to write.