Here We Go Again

I switched back to Blogger. In the last couple of months my blog has moved from Blogger, through Wordpress, to Squarespace, to Ghost, and back to Blogger again (we won't mention that I cross-post into Tumblr and LiveJournal – because then you would realise I really am a bit mad).

I've had it with being at-all professional in terms of the blog. I'm divorcing it from my “real” name in order to give a bit more freedom. I missed being able to write short posts about nothing in particular. Once your name is involved there is an invisible pressure to write something worthy or interesting, rather than a forgettable stream of consciousness.

I've only migrated in 2015 so far. I have each year's worth of posts neatly wrapped up in XML files, and will import them over the coming days – eventually filling out my entire blogging history stretching back to 2003. I can't imagine anybody would be remotely interested in what I've written today, let alone over the past 12 years.

Anyway... it's lunchtime at work, and I'm doing my usual trick – sitting here at my desk, tinkering with this rubbish on the internet.

What else is going on ?

NaNoWriMo is approaching, and I have no clue what I'm going to do. I would like to take part in it, but know in my heart of hearts that I won't have enough spare time to do it (unless I pull a couple of all-nighters to write the bulk of my entry). I've even bought a copy of Scrivener, and fixed the old laptop, ready to go. Scrivener is of course a complete and utter extravagance – I'm much happier using a text editor than any kind of word processor.

I need to stop moving the blog, and start reading other blogs again. I used to love reading other people's blog posts, but have somehow fallen off that horse. I suppose I do read some stuff – at Tumblr and LiveJournal – but I haven't kept up with anything else for ages.

Anyway... time to make the 254th coffee of the day, lest I fall asleep at my desk, and end up with keyboard patterns on my face.