Home from the Coast

We are finally home from my parents on the south-west coast of England. Back to the rat race, and back to a world of expectation, obligation, and “who can piss the highest”. A few friends (my other half included) think I have a chip on my shoulder about the “who can piss the heighest” part, and I'll freely admit to it. I guess my absence from Facebook over the last few months has been mostly to avoid the continually competitive posts of many I know in the hereabouts.


The journey home was mostly uneventful. As the children grow older, travelling becomes easier. Given a mobile phone, and ready access to a backup battery, they seem to entertain themselves. We had to repeat concerns about use of mobile data several times, and it didn't sink in at all, but I guess the next time they run out of credit we'll just refuse to pay for a while – which will hopefully concentrate their mind wonderfully.

This evening our eldest is asking about starting her own YouTube channel. I'm guessing that means I'll have to re-learn how iMovie works (she has the old Macbook), and perhaps give her the old video camera, so she can shoot half-decent quality footage. We'll see. She has a great camera too (that she has never used) – if this gives even half a reason to bond with her, I'll take it.

The washing machine is already on it's third load, I've already been to the grocery store, and our younger children have already had friends in amid the mayhem. The next few days are going to be fun (not).