Hyper Japan

I have a very early start in the morning – heading into London on the train with Miss 16 to visit “Hyper Japan” – a festival of all things Japan at the Tobacco Dock in London. Until half an hour ago I had no idea where the Tobacco Dock was – we’ll be getting the underground as far as the Tower of London, and then walking the last half a mile. I have a feeling it’s going to be a ridiculously expensive day (unless the swag is free), but am hoping there will be lots of free activites to do – it sounds like there will be a huge number of live acts on the main stage. I’ve never seen a J-Pop band live before, so that’s going to be interesting, to say the least. I hear Nintendo will be there in force.

I’m guessing we’ll be eating sushi for lunch, and coming home with painted masks, J-Pop albums, Manga books, Anime movies, and a camera full of photos of cosplayers. Expect a *very *long post from me tomorrow evening.