
I feel like I'm in limbo at the moment. I've had a week off work, and have not gone anywhere or done anything of consequence. I suppose having a bad cold all week hasn't really helped. I didn't even do any of the homework training runs for the “Couch to 5K” thing.

I wonder though – perhaps I *needed *this week of nothing.

I'm back at work in the morning. I'm trying not to think about it right now – trying not to think about the inevitable email mountain, time-sheets, calls with clients, and so on. I'm sure everything will be fine, but until the morning comes I'll do my best to sweep everything under a huge rug in my brain.

I saw a Facebook post a few days ago from a friend of a friend – listing all the things she has *not *done recently. Things like ironing clothes, putting them away, cleaning the kitchen cupboards, changing the beds – all the things that the “perfect life, perfect home, perfect family” brigade boast about in their invented instagram stories. I thought it was a wonderful idea, so may try and compile a list of all the things I have not done soon.

Anyway. It's already Monday morning. I'm too tired to play the “stay up late to avoid Monday” game, which is surprising as I haven't really done anything all day (if you discount the regular chores).

Maybe I'll go read a book.