In Retrospect – Our Adoption Journey
After resurrecting thousands of archived posts back into the blog earlier this evening, it occurred to me that I can finally re-tell our adoption journey once more. Recent readers have no idea how far back this blog goes, or how much I recorded along the way. I guess I did it because I knew I would forget how we felt – our worries, our concerns, or even who we used to be. I also wanted something the children could look back on, and learn about who we were – how excited we were, and what we had to go through.
With a little luck the following record will be a treasure trove to the girls when they grow up.
You never know – a publisher might see this and invite me to turn it into a book :)
The Journey Towards Adoption
- Everything Changes – where I explain the cessation of various online activities that had been filling my time in pursuit of having a family.
- The Adoption Process Continues – the first real post discussing the journey we were quietly progressing along.
- Adoption – a falling down moment while stalled in the adoption process for several months.
- First Ever Medical – proving that I'm not going to drop down dead any time soon as a precursor to being considered for adoption.
- Eve of the Adoption Review Panel – the title says it all.
- Approved to Adopt Children – reflecting on the experiences, and celebrating just a bit.
An Awfully Big Adventure – letting the cat out of the bag about our prospective children.
A Lull in the Adoption Journey – written in the run-up to the Matching Panel.
- Just a few words – another “in limbo” post in the weeks before the Matching Panel.
- The Week in One Post – discovering the state would pay me to have several months off work to aid attachment with the children.
- The Adventure Starts Here – leaving work for several months off.
The First Two Weeks
- Learning to be called Daddy – the day we met the children for the first time.
- Day Two – We're Still Standing – visiting schools, saying goodbye to friends.
- Day Three – a Trip to the Farm – an unplanned day trip out on our own with the children.
- Day Four – Rainy Day Indoors – the rain poured, and the tantrums and tears began.
- Day Five – Discovering the New House – visiting our house for the first time.
- Day Six – Slowing Everything Down – an entire day in new surroundings, letting the children explore and find their own way.
- Day Seven – the Eve of Yet Another Decision – half a day off while the children say goodbye to their foster family and friends.
- Day Eight – Ends and Beginnings – a review with the social workers, a little taken aback at our progress.
- Day Nine – Not Taking Them Back – the day we picked them up from the foster carer and didn't return at bedtime.
- Day Ten – Turning the Schedule Around – starting to build new rules, and a new life together – building “normal”.
- Day Eleven – The Food Fight Starts – the first real attempts to manipulate us.
- Day Twelve – A Walk in the Woods – lifetime first for all the children – a walk in the woods, exploring nature and getting muddy.
- Day Thirteen – Winning and Losing – new friends, tantrums, no pudding, and being sent to bed early.
- Day Fourteen – Meeting Nan and Grandad – suddenly the girls realise they are now part of a much bigger family.
- Resuming Normal Blogging Service – taking stock, stepping back, and attempting a return to normality.