In search of life

In the same way many people watch television, movies, or read books, I head towards the internet when I have free time. I search out people sharing a little of their life, a little of themselves, and become enthralled with their experiences and adventureswhich often seem so similar to my own regardless of nation, race, colour, or even language.

These connections we build across so many thousands of miles, across continents and oceans, would have been unlikely or impossible even 20 years ago. We are at the forefront of change. While many of us are sharing shards of our humdrum existencethrowing them out in the stream of passing informationothers are fighting for their identity, their freedoms, and even their lives.

I read somewhere that more authored information has been lost in the last few years since the “Web 2.0? explosion than has been created in the rest of human history combined. The corollary is that an order of magnitude more information has also been generated during the same time, and the volume is increasing exponentially.

Lets add to the exponential curve.Record your life so others may be inspired by you, understand you, and know you. Your story is important.Don't look back in a few years time and wish you had started a blog. Start writing one today – and tell me about it so we might become unlikely friends.