Inciting a Tumblr Exodus

I posted to Tumblr earlier this evening, inviting people toswitch to WordPress. There has been a significant amount of discontent among the small community of people that use Tumblr as a blogging platform, following the removal of any reply or comment facilities a few weeks ago. In my mind, without any form of comment functionality, Tumblr ceases to be a blogging platform.

The fear most people seem to have is that they will have to re-build their circle of friends once they arrive at WordPress. I have suggested that everybody tag their first post with #tumblr. Of course the problem with that, is the pool of people actively bloggingsharing their daily lifeon WordPress dwarfs the community at Tumblr, so their first posts become lost in the sea of content.

I wonder if there will be an exodus. The Tumblr community has traditionally been similar to Apple Mac users of the late 1980sclinging to their platform with white knuckles, and steadfastly defending it against any criticism.

We'll see.

If the movement towards Wordress catches fire, we all win, because the circle of people that might switch are almost universally awesome.