Intentionally polluting the twittersphere

I've finally done something I should have done a very long time ago. I'm also writing a very long lead in to this post in the same way that people often annoy the crap out of me – prefacing the subject at hand with all manner of comments before letting you know what the hell I am going to say.

I created a second Twitter account. I now have two Twitter accounts. Yes, I am mad.

I'm further seperating “me the boring nerd that writes software all day”, from “me the boring nerd that writes idiotic blog posts all day”. The first one gets my real name, the second one gets the name of the blog, tumblr, pinterest, and now twitter account.

I now know what Clarke Kent felt like after getting in that crystal chamber thing in Superman 2 – only my alter ego isn't really super at all. If anything it's the reverse – I'm getting in being super, and getting out being super nerdy pants, professional procrastinator.

If you are an avid twitter user, feel free to go follow me on Twitter (click the link, dummy), and join in the idiocy. I have no idea how often I might tweet, but it feels pretty good – starting from scratch. I guess it's a chance to reinvent, and not have to think about who might read it. I'm not about to start posting porn, or slanderous scandal, but I might actually talk out of turn from time to time (shock, horror!).

Anyway. Time to go make a coffee, and then get on with the rest of my day. As you were...