It's been a long week...
Super tired. Heading to bed in a few minutes unless the internet materialises a rabbit hole in front of me, and I look up and discover it's 2am. I've done that twice this week already.
We watched the movie “Steamboy” tonight – well... the kids did. I fell asleep half-way through, and woke up at the end. I'm getting good at doing that. From what I saw of it, it looked great but the lip synching wasn't as good as the Ghibli movies – so the dialog looked weird throughout. The mix of computer graphics and traditional animation was a bit weird too. I guess I've got so used to Miyazaki's movies that I take for granted just how good they are.
I picked up pizzas, drinks, and snacks on the way home to go with the movie. The pizzas have gone, the snacks have half gone, and the fizzy drinks have almost all gone. It's a good sick feeling.
Today was a slow day in the office. No soap opera shenanigans to report. Even the cycle through town was completely uneventful (except for one car that seemed intent on forcing me into the oncoming traffic – but that's pretty normal).