Jurassic World

I took our eldest daughter to see “Jurassic World” at the cinema this morning (ok, I'll admit – I wanted to see it, and she tagged along with me). Just warning you – this post is going to be full of spoilers, so stop reading now if you don't want me to spoil it for you.

Overall, it was a great movie – exciting, scary, and all the other things you kind of expect from a Jurassic Park movie. There was something that annoyed me though.

Apparently the scientists that “grew” the Indominus Rex had not observed it at all during it's growth to adult-hood – which is ridiculous. They supposedly had no idea that it could change colour, or defeat thermal sensors. Hmmm... I sat in the cinema thinking “this is total and utter bullshit”. I get it – it's all made up, but that's a pretty major plot hole.

I did think the closing scenes with the Tyrannosaurus Rex (eventually) defeating the Indominus Rex were kind of clever – with the message being that creatures that evolved to be the way they are will eventually defeat anything we meddle with. Of course even that idea doesn't really stand up, because none of the Dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are “original” – they have all been modified to varying extents.

Finally (and this is not a spoiler), I was really pissed at several families that wandered into the movie theatre with small children. The movie is a 12A for a reason! Why do people take no notice of age ratings on movies? One little girl could have been no older than 5...