Just Another Day

While many people I know on the other side of the planet have the day off today – to celebrate “Thanksgiving”, it's just another day on this side of the planet. Business as usual. More of the same.

It has rained across the south of England continually for the last few weeks. It feels like a grey blanket has been pulled over everything. I'm wearing full waterproofs on the cycle to work, but they're not really working – and taking two sets of clothes to work each day seems a little bit crazy – and would probably finish the washing machine off at home once and for all.

Three people of note died yesterday – Jonathan Miller, Gary Rhodes, and Clive James. I'm guessing most people will never have heard of them. It feels strange, when people of note that you have been aware of throughout your life have suddenly gone. I suppose in some ways it reminds you that your time is finite – and that it might be better to get on with living, rather than watching the clock tick down.

When people write all the inspirational words about “living life”, “choosing life”, and so on, I often find myself wondering how you do that – how you unshackle the load you carry. Yes, I would love to travel the world and visit all the friends I have made through the internet over the years – but then what would happen to my family? Who would pay the bills? Do I take them all with me? What about my job? What about school?

It strikes me that without people doing what they have to do, the people that rely on them would not be able to do what they like to do. At all. This is where I sit on my hands before starting out on the usual rant about massively privileged millennials promoting an entirely fabricated life across the social internet. We know it's all bollocks.


I think it's time to make a cup of tea. A cup of tea will make everything better. Things will make sense after a cup of tea – they always do.