Keeping Facebook at Arms Length
Over the last few weeks something has become more clear to me – that I need to keep Facebook at arms length. I don't think I need to deactivate (it's too useful), but the real problem is something Facebook can't fix – people.
I'm fed up of seeing people posting the sunny side of everything at Facebook. I get it – you're doing something fun, and you want to share it. That quickly turns into bragging though, especially in a town where every other family has somebody that flies half-way round the world every other week with work, or that has a Mercedes as a second car.
Oh look – there's another photo from a hotel in Dubai. Oh look – this is us taking our kids skiing over easter. Oh look – this is our new kitchen that cost more than your house. Oh look – this is our perfect offspring that we're sending off to (insert prestigious name) private school...
When you're having a crappy few days, Facebook becomes toxic. I'm not sure I want to deal with the seemingly endless pissing competition any more.
I'll just sit out here, on the fringes of the web, writing this garbage.