Let There Be Light

If you're visiting this blog post via Wordpress, you'll have noticed a rather drastic re-design has happened. Given that autumn colours are surrounding us at the moment, and the site was rather stark, I thought “sod it”. I might have thought more colourful words actually, but didn't want to swear in the first paragraph.

This isn't the first time I have switched the design of the blog, and it won't be the last. My main requirements for choosing “themes” are that they be legible, and free. I'm not making a living from this – I'm not running a business based on it – it's more a case of holding my sanity together by emptying my head into it. I suppose adding a theme is a bit like decorating the bucket you're about to throw up into.

I'm not very good at analogies.

So... what else has been going on in my world today? The usual, I'm afraid (another way of saying “very little”). I filled the washing machine several times, I ate leftover pizza from last night, I cleared up around the house, and I fell down several internet rabbit holes in-between.

I wonder – if Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web again, would he call it the “World Wide Warren” ? I think it's a much better name. A world wide web of rabbit holes filled with wonderful things we never knew before, and didn't think we needed to know. Of course half the rabbit holes would be filled with an army of people we might wish to avoid, but you can't have everything.

In true butterfly effect fashion, that one word change could percolate through everything we know – when a page doesn't appear, it would be because the rabbit hole has become blocked – or even caved in. Security throughout the warrens would of course be imposed by the Owsla (go and read Watership Down if that means nothing to you), and those inhabiting the tunnels would begin to follow the teachings of El-ahrairah (which I suppose roughly translates to the Flying Spaghetti Monster).

Talking of Watership Down, there's a rather famous poster seen in butchers shops in the ealy 1980s in England that's always made me laugh:

“You've read the book, you've seen the movie, now eat the cast!”