Looking Back
It seems somehow appropriate, given that we are spending New Years Eve on our own at home, to look back over the last 12 months and write a few well considered words about how well or badly I think the year went. Here's the thing though – I don't think anybody is remotely interested in reading recycled recollections. Can we just say that all sorts of crap went on this year, and move on?
Youdo want to know what I thought of the year?
Maybe I can reduce it to a few bullet points:
Some things went spectacularly well.
Some things went spectacularly badly.
I travelled too much.
The travelling too much thing has caused me to start considering the future for the first time in years – perhaps a different future. I'm not about to pontificate about what I might or might not do here though – I'll tell the story if and when it happens.
I suppose I should remind myself that this year had one massive challenge in it – that ate two thirds of the year – and that I made oblique references to repeatedly. Maybe I should also remind myself how good I am at putting one foot in front of the other too, because it generally serves as a pretty good solution to most struggles I encounter.
If in doubt, keep going. Perhaps I should write in my last will and testament that I want a plaque on a bench somewhere – “This bench is in memory of Jonathan Beckett, who didn't sit down here, because he kept going regardless”.