Mad Weekend

Last night we attended the “Spring Fling” social gathering at the local junior school. I don't think we drankthat much, but we both felt the after-effects this morning. I sat with the children in the lounge watching a movie at breakfast time this morning, and fell fast asleep again.

What a fun night thoughseeing friends we rarely get the chance to spend time with, telling stories, laughing, listening, and even dancing. It was fun.

While talking with various friends as everybody arrived early in the evening, the recurring theme seemed to be “we should get out more often”. I think all parents are kind of guilty of not bothering. I get it thoughwe all work, get home, we are tired, get the kids to bed, and then collapse in front of the TV (or the computer in my case). Thoughts of getting ready to go out are often met with a deflated sigh.

I guess the night confirmed something I wrote about a few days agounless you go out and experience life, you end up with no stories to tell. It was also a timely reminder that we do have wonderful friends that we should catch up with more often.