Mayhem and Chaos Abound

At a little after 6am this morning our eldest daughter arrived in the bedroom doorway like a glum silhouette, murmuring about being unwell. Under normal circumstances we would have brushed it off, but given her spectacular projectile display yesterday, we believed her.

It's such a shame – after a 100% record at school so far this year, and a near perfect record all the way through junior school, she has now missed three days school of the last five. She has missed football practice (and competitive matches) for the last month through one reason or another, and hasn't been to Guides for several weeks.

The wheels have come completely off her wagon. All we can do is walk along behind her, catching her, picking her up, dusting her down, and staying the course – which isn't always easy, given that we both work full time.

After a quick decision of who should fall on their sword today, I volunteered. I imagined racing in to the office, completing a few essential tasks, and racing home again to work the rest of the day from the study. I ended up returning home an hour later, after discovering wheels had fallen from wagons at work.

What is it with wagon builders these days?

Once safely back at home, I spent the remains of the day constructing an elaborate simulation of a client system, in order to break it. Kind of like building a vast complex of sandcastles on the beach, and then repeatedly kicking them down like a maniac child. There was method to the madness though; I managed to make my sandcastles break in exactly the same way a client had reported (who knew sandcastles structural integrity might fail catastrophically if you kick them hard enough?).

I'm being stupid (no, really?).

The day is over. I have been either pedalling like an idiot, or staring at computers all day long, and yet here I am, sat in the dark, staring at another screen while writing this. My right eyelid is twitching with tiredness. I guess that's a sign to stop writing, so I will.