Medication, Banned Books and Conspiracy Theories

Today I am “working” from home. In reality, I called the client this morning and informed them that the likelihood of me getting much done today was pretty slim. I’m looking after Miss 17 – after two weeks fighting tonsillitis, going through one round of antibiotics, and still being sick, I’ve turned my focus almost completely on her. She’s taking tablets every two hours now, and I’m forcing her to keep drinking, and eating anything I can get her to – despite her less than enthusiastic responses to my constant reminders and encouragement.

Being “the enemy” is hidden in the back of the mythical parenting instruction book, isn’t it. It’s got sections on everything from “putting your dirty clothes in the wash”, to “having a shower”, “washing your hair properly”, and “getting home before dark”.

While not watching the clock until the next dispensary of medication, I’ve been tinkering with work stuff, playing chess against the computer, and wondering what I might write on the blog today. I’m an expert at looking like I’m busy, but actually getting little or nothing done. This morning’s insane rabbit hole was task list applications – I’ve always thought task list apps were a great idea, but have never stuck to using one. Now I’m “busy” filling in the bullet journal for the week ahead. In reality, work has turned into a reactionary stumble from one day to the next – all long term plans went out of the window some time ago.

Oh – nearly forgot – I bought “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” last night – the book that Dan Brown stole all the research from when he wrote “The DaVinci Code”. This is straight out of my play-book – wanting to find things out for myself and make my own conclusions, rather than accept what other people say. It’s the same reason I read so many of the banned books years ago.

Did you know I had read lots banned books? Many of them are not banned any more of course, but I always found myself drawn to them. I think perhaps Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” is the most famous – along with Henry Miller’s “Tropic of Cancer”, and the various books wrapped in conspiracy theories – “The Catcher in the Rye” springs to mind.

When I was young and impressionable, I loved conspiracy theories. I still tend to think there is no smoke without fire, but am perhaps more willing to accept that we will never know, and devote less time to reading the opinions of others who cannot prove their theories either. That something happened, and was covered up in Roswell is probably without question. What it was, and what happened to it probably went to the grave with the various people involved. That something significant happened, and was covered up at Holloman Air Force Base in the late 1960s is also without question – again, we’ll never know.

As I’ve mentioned before – I’m happy these days if I can find two socks that match on a morning, let alone worrying about lights in the sky, things that go bump in the night, or which books record history most accurately. I quietly make my way from day to day, write these idiotic blog posts about it, and try not to harm too many people along the way. That’s enough for me.