My Daughter, the Blogger
Miss 15 has signed up for a blog on the internet. I'm resisting the temptation to cheer out loud, and do cartwheels around the house. It's her first blog. After books and movies, this is really the first opportunity I have had as a parent to share something with her that is “our thing” – something we do, that nobody else does. Something to bond over.
She is excited beyond belief at the prospect of having a platform of her own on the internet to record thoughts, ideas, influences, and memories, but also has a mountain to climb in terms of learning about tagging, subscribing, following, liking, re-blogging, and all the other facets of online publishing that we take for granted.
After a few tough months, it's just nice to see her smiling, laughing, and exploring ways of interacting with the wider world once more.