My Doctor
While reading an interview with Steven Moffaton the Radio Times website about the writing and production of the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who, “The Day of the Doctor”, I came across a quite wonderful anecdote about Tom Baker's appearance;That voice, unchanged since the 70s, those eyes, that smileall back on the Doctor Who set. And everyone just standing there, staring. Like after all this time on Doctor Who, Doctor Who had turned up. Wasn't quite sure what to expect, but he was word perfect, showed up with all his business sorted out, and nailed it, take after take. Magical. I can say I was actually there, the day Tom Baker came back.
It occurred to me afterwards that Moffat would have been a teenager during Tom Baker's run as the 4th Doctorso in many ways he was “his” Doctor. He essentially states what many people have said over the years during the interviewthat Tom Baker really wasthe Doctor.“after all this time on Doctor Who, Doctor Who had turned up”Tom Baker was a scary giant that towered over my childhood. He had an otherworldlinessabout him that permeated everythingthe way he spoke, the way he movedand the gravitas in his voice only underlined that he wasn't like anybody else.
I think his opening linekept completely secretin “The Day of the Doctor” will stay with me for the rest of my life. Just watch the clip below and enjoy.[youtube=]