Never Say Never
At the beginning of the year I walked away from much of my “presence” on social media. For several years I had been posting into Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Wordpress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Flickr, Snapchat – the slew of popular platforms that exist across the internet. I didn’t use them all at the same time – that really would be madness. I wandered from here to there, and often back to here again.
Then one day I stopped. Just like that.
I talked at the time about giving my phone to my other half (who had dropped her iPhone), but that was really just an excuse – I had been thinking about doing it for some time. In the days between Christmas and New Year I happened to wander into town, and dodged several people who were consumed by their mobile phones. In some ways they were the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Over the last few weeks I have looked in on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram – slowly cutting ties with vague acquaintances, and whittling down those I’m willing to invest time in – making each place a little more manageable. But why would I want to make Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram more manageable? Perhaps because I’m thinking of returning.
Now the title of this post makes some sense, doesn’t it.