Never Say Never
I almost walked away from blogging this year. More than once. Thankfully, due to the hilariously low number of people that read the words I publish, I don't think anybody noticed.
About a month ago, I announced my departure from this online literary world by posting about it on Tumblr (reallystop laughing). I also started filing away anything with more than a couple of hundred words safely elsewhere, should I ever return, but of course I was never going to need those words, because I was stopping it all.
Ahemand here I am.
If I'm going to be honest, I've been wondering if the universe has been stacking the cards against me.A couple of weeks ago I received word from an old friend via LinkedInsomebody who had been spectacularly famous after being fired for her blogand found myself reading her old posts.
Then this weekend I found myselfquite by chance (or was it?)perusing the recent posts of two old friends neither of whom I have metwho's words I have read via the internet for years (seeit's all your fault,Lauren, andVictoria).If not for their words, I would not have realised what an idiot I was beingI would not have missed this world of words, thoughts, memories, and friends.
Yesterday I caught myself reading my own old blog postssecurely squirrelled away in Google Drive. Written duringChristmases past, the words were new again. Having not written for some time, I realised how much I missed it, and that I already regretted “stopping”.
So I guess this means I'm back.
Expect stories over the coming days of wrapping presents in secret, and being woken by little people in the early hours, and expect introverted navel gazing, but please don't expect too much.