Not Leaving the House
I’m “working” from home today. While sitting in the junk room, surrounded by my work laptop and phone, a cup of tea, the bullet journal, and the various bits and bobs that clutter the desk, snow is steadily falling outside. It’s forecast to continue all day. An email went out to all staff this morning, inviting us to work from home if we want (read: if we possibly can).
I’m glad I’m at home to be honest – the virus that kept me at home earlier in the week is still kicking my butt. Cycling home through the snow last night in minus-whatever-it-was temperatures really took it out of me. My kidneys and lungs both ache this morning – or at least, I think they do – funnily enough I don’t have an X-Ray machine available to have a look, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have a clue what I was looking at. Sitting quietly at home in the warm will probably do me some good.
As far as I’m aware, the college that Miss 17 attends is the only place that has closed nearby – she is home too, and busy tidying her room up (for the first time in weeks). Miss 12 is at a residential school trip – no doubt having a wonderful time in the snow with her friends, and Miss 13 is at school. She left this morning like a polar explorer, wrapped in multiple layers, and the thickest coat in the known universe.
The washing machine and tumble dryer are rumbling away in the background. Whenever I work from home I carry on with chores as I might at a weekend. This of course means the weekend will become our own – there will be no chores, and (I’m guessing) football and rugby matches will be canceled.
What will we do with ourselves!? Sit indoors, do jigsaws, and drink endless cups of tea, I hope.
Before we get to the weekend I need to pretend to do some work. I have some documents to read, and attempt to understand. We all know I’m going to sit at home drinking tea, eating chocolate biscuits, and listening to Spotify while reading blog posts really, don’t we.