Not Playing the Game
I don't play “the game”.By “the game”, I'm talking about the attention seeking, the chasing of traffic, the attempted attraction of followers, and the seeking of approval that seems so prevalent throughout so many of the social networks.
I don't do it.
I follow who I want, because they share great quality content that I enjoy reading. I do not expect those I follow, subscribe, circle, or “friend” to reciprocate. If peoplehappen to investigate who this slightly oddEnglishman is who has begun to read and comment on their posts, and they decide they like the inconsequential idiocyhe pollutes the internetwith, then that's fine.
I guess it all comes down to a list of emotive wordsoriginality, truth, honesty, and independence. I hesitate to use the word “interesting” because I fail to see how anybody cannot be interesting in some way or another.
I'll climb down off my soap box now. Move along. Nothing to see here.