Not really Byron at all
Well that's the end of that then. I paid the princely sum of 5 last night for high speed internet access in my hotel room, and the 24 hours just ran out. The Tumblr dashboard ground to a mysterious halt in the middle of rendering a cat gif, and then scrolled no more. A cryptic message from the WiFi gods informed me that I was no longer connected to a trustworthy network (or words to that effect – I didn't read it properly).
It feels like somebody just cut the oxygen off.
I'm leaving the hotel in the morning, so here's no way I'm bothering spending any more money on the internet. There is a free option that comes with complimentary hackers – and seems to transit and receive data at about the same speed as an elephant using a tele-typewriter machine. I'll brave it later to post this.
I bought a load of junk food the night I arrived here (and became ill), and haven't touched it since. A huge bag of doritos. A box of cereal bars. A box of instant coffee sachets. A bag of fruit and nuts. I haven't touched any of it. I doubt I'll be able to fit it all in my bags tomorrow morning.
Oh crap. I forgot about that – I am checking out in the morning – which means folding my clothes back into the case. Wait a minute – what on earth am I stressing about? I'm here on my own – it will likely take me no more than two minutes to pack in the morning, because I know where all my things are. It's hardly like packing for the children, where you find socks under the trampoline in the garden, and pants down the back of their beds.
I'm looking at the assortment of junk food again. Maybe I should have a movie marathon and try to eat and/or drink everything here ?
I downloaded some movies to the Kindle while I had the gold-plated WiFi (it's what I originally bought it for). I now have Almost Famous, Amelie, Hackers, Larry Crowne, and Les Miserables available to watch. Larry Crowne says it is queued, which probably means it won't play. Dammit – it's one of my favourite movies. I downloaded Amelie on the recommendation of a friend last night – I've been aware of it for years, but have never seen it for some reason.
Ah crap – guess who just remembered he threw his external hard drive into the backback before leaving the house on Sunday night? I've had a secret stash of ripped movies and TV shows at my disposal all week, and forgot all about it. I could have been watching episodes of Community, 30 Rock, and Parks and Recreation. If I was intelligent I would probably be quite dangerous.
I'm kind of like a budget Byron – instead of being “mad, bad, and dangerous to know”, I'm just “mad and a bit stupid”. Not really Byron at all really...
This was a post about nothing in particular. If you enjoyed it you probably need to get out more. I know I need to.