Not Trying On Purpose
While cycling to work this morning through rain that was worse than I thought it was going to be, I started thinking about bloggingas I usually doand why I might have accidentally slipped back into WordPress yesterday.
I didn't set out to come back here at all. I wrote a single post explaining why I had wandered away, and before I knew it somebody had commented, somebody else had liked the post, and yet another person had emailed me privately. So then I felt bad about walking away, and “un-hid” the other postsyou know; two years worth of them.
AnywayI'm getting sidetracked. I'm good at getting sidetracked.
I think half the reason I got fed up with blogging is because I was trying too hard. I was trying to make each post interesting, rather than just empty my head into the keyboard each day. I had forgotten than what might seem mundane to me is probably interesting to somebody else, and thinking through the mundane stuff while writing it down probably helps me in some wayorganises my thoughts or something.
So yeah goodbye well written posts, hello brain dumps.