Nothing to Report
I woke with a start at 5:30am this morning. After blinking a few times, and opening my eyes wide, I rolled over and reached for the mobile phone. Any messages? Any emails? The next few minutes were spent in the strangely stretched world I inhabit – saying goodnight to friends on the far side of the planet as the day began here.
After an hour staring into space, and dreading the day ahead, I finally scraped myself from under the duvet, and started the morning routine. Shower, clothes, breakfasts, lunches, wash up, tidy up, pack bag, get on the mountain bike and go. During the mayhem I made myself two cups of coffee – both of which went cold before I got a chance to drink them.
Work was more of the same – racing to pull the disparate chunks of a project I have been working on together in order to have “something to show” for the last week's worth of desk thumping. We'll remain tight lipped about the entire system deciding to start misbehaving during the late afternoon.
The evening – so far – has been remarkably uneventful. Other half made dinner. We all sat at the dinner table as a family (we try to make that happen every day – with varying degrees of success), filled our faces, and then I washed up again. Again.
The younger children are tucked up in bed listening to Kate Winslet reading “Matilda”. It's an audio book – we don't really have Kate Winslet sitting in their bedroom reading – if we did I'd be up there with them, trying not to gaze at her like a drooling moron.
Perhaps this evening will afford time to catch up with far flung friends once again – to read, comment, like, follow, heart, or whatever else you do at the various places around the web. If you see me wander past with a mug of coffee in my hand, shout.