Oatmealing Game of Thrones
I watched two more episodes of Game of Thrones this evening – almost catching up with the broadcast schedule. We don't have HBO, or Sky, so our only route to watch the show is either to buy box sets of DVDs, or to download from the internet. For the first two seasons, we bought the box sets – for the third season, the internet is our friend.
Game of Thrones is the first TV series of it's kind I have watched in years. The last was probably “Life on Mars”, and before that, “This Life”.
I have not read the books, so have no idea what secrets the future plot holds, but will admit to hoping quietly that the Dragon Queen lady (her name escapes me) steamrollers everybody. She's beautiful. Not that I would form a judgement purely on how somebody looks... oh who am I kidding.
Anyway. It's late and I should probably get some sleep.