
While reading about the mayhem surrounding the various potential nominees for the presidential election in the United States, I can't help being reminded of an old phrase”you don't know what you have until it is gone”.

I get itI live on the other side of the world, in a different country, with a different culture, different views, different ideals, and different concerns than most people in the United Statesand often struggle to understand what seems to be popular opinion among the many people I know from the States via the internet. I also learned at an early age to stay out of political argumentsagain, because of an old maxim : “there are none so deaf as those that do not want to hear”.

I can't help feeling that history will be kind to Obama. He will be revered as a model in terms of the behavior of leaders, and the manner in which he brought change against almost overwhelming opposition in a culture that diametrically opposed many ofthe ideals he promoted.