Off the Grid

I've been kind of absent from the blog for the last few days. I don't really know why. I guess it would be easy to say “life, the universe, and everything” got in the way. I think it was John Lennon that said”life is what happens when you're making other plans” – that fits pretty well really.

As ever, I'm wondering about the utility of a lot of the social networking type stuff. I still cross-post everything I write into both Wordpress and Tumblr, and still don't know if that's even a good thing to do. It might be easier just to have the Wordpress blog. I really don't know. I'm not so much sitting on my hands, as “carrying on as per normal”.

So what have I been doing?

Like I said – “life goes on”. Nothing earth shatteringly exciting to report really. I burned a pizza from the supermarket in the oven at dinner time. It's been that kind of week.