Off the Grid
I've been kind of absent from the blog for the last few days. I don't really know why. I guess it would be easy to say “life, the universe, and everything” got in the way. I think it was John Lennon that said”life is what happens when you're making other plans” – that fits pretty well really.
As ever, I'm wondering about the utility of a lot of the social networking type stuff. I still cross-post everything I write into both Wordpress and Tumblr, and still don't know if that's even a good thing to do. It might be easier just to have the Wordpress blog. I really don't know. I'm not so much sitting on my hands, as “carrying on as per normal”.
So what have I been doing?
Today I wallpapered our eldest daughter's new bedroom. First time I have done wallpapering in several years. I had to find the papering table from the depths of the attic – I was half expecting to be attacked by a Demagorgon while up there (if you haven't been watching Stranger Things that one will be lost on you). I made the mistake of being good at wallpapering many years ago – I have since learned that it's best to be really bad at things, but never remember in time.
All of our household now have Minecraft accounts. My other half got killed several times inside the first few days of her existence within the game world because our younger children went to visit her, and brought an army of “bad guys” with them (they have a habit of attracting trouble within the game – I'm not sure how they do it).
I still haven't got my clothes ready to travel with work. I'm away all week next week. I'm going to need clean shirts for every day, tops, socks, underwear... you name it. I think it's all washed – I just have no idea where any of it is. I imagine I'll find myself stood for several hours at the ironing board tomorrow.
Like I said – “life goes on”. Nothing earth shatteringly exciting to report really. I burned a pizza from the supermarket in the oven at dinner time. It's been that kind of week.