On the Train
Well this is novel... I'm sitting on the train, travelling from Wycombe to Warwick, typing this from the bluetooth keyboard into the Evernote app on the Kindle Fire. Let's hope it handles recording notes while it has no internet connection. I imagine I'll post it later today when I return to the office.
I need something to prop up the kindle while using the keyboard – some sort of folding picture holder would work best. I bet somebody makes a Kindle stand for watching movies on a desk (off to Amazon, the website of dreams).
I'm going to arrive in Warwick two hours ahead of the meeting, but will use it wisely for a change – getting something proper to eat in a cafe, and emptying my head into this gadget (I did warn you I write more when travelling, didn't I?). I should have thought of using this in the past.
Random aside – my left eyelid keeps flickering. It's almost certainly caused by tiredness. Ho hum.
There is a group of Japanese people on the train – they are talking non-stop about something or other. Because I don't understand a word of it, it sounds strange. The train is arriving at Bicester North station – a very bored sounding train driver just made the announcement to everybody.
Oh my word... there is a couple talking on the train about two rows back from me. They are wittering on about the must mundane subjects imaginable – which supermarket is the best value for very specific things, and a detailed description of how many bruised pieces of fruit they both had from various supermarkets. Apparently he has some specific salad dressing on his salad every single day – it's is one pleasure, and he goes to a particular supermarket to make sure he can get it. It costs 74p more than an equivalent from a different supermarket.
She just had a new kitchen. There was nothing wrong with her old kitchen, and she has shut down the conversation because she was busy bitching about her daughter in law having new furniture. Pot and Kettle, anybody? They are getting off the train now, and complaining about how difficult it is to get out of the seats. Ok... they just walked past the train window – she is wearing a massive dress that looks like it's made from 1960s curtain material. Oh... I look up, and they have gone.
We're in Banbury now. This must be the most convoluted route to get to Warwick in existence. I'm absolutely freezing – sitting here in a shirt, it's boiling outside, but somebody has put the train air conditioning on about minus 50.
Another aside... I watched a wonderful movie last night called “Once” – about a busker in Ireland that befriends a girl working in the street. Best movie I have seen in ages. I'm not going to witter on and on about it – just go look it up. Apparently it won all sorts of awards when it first came out.
I have a headache that keeps coming and going – I've had it since I got up this morning. I don't have any tablets on me – maybe that will be my first stop when I get off the train.