One Day Only

I have been back in the office today for the first time in weeks. Waking up at 7am this morning was really rather wonderful. You quickly forget that the morning mayhem in the kitchen is somehow comfortingbeing a part of a busy family is a good feeling.

While travelling to and from London over the past few days, a few things have occurred to me;Any thoughts of exploring the surrounding area in London has gone out of the Window. If the weather improves I might venture out at lunchtimes, but the usual day is bookmarked by a mad race to get to the office on time, and another mad race to catch the train home.

Train tickets bought from my home stationneverwork on the turnstiles in London. I haven't complained to the ticket seller yet, because I'm usually just grateful to have got a ticket (we have no ticket machine at our local stationso rely on train staff to buy tickets from). I won't even start on the times the train has had 50+ people on it, and the ticket seller has shown their face with 5 minutes of the journey left.

I am endlessly amused by the behaviour of my fellow commuters. A few of the things I noticed years ago appear to still happen; pretty girls are far more casual about bumping into you on crowded trains, and the more perfectly made up the girl, the more of a rush she will be in (maybe that's something to do with marketing people?).

I guess overall the most direct impact of working away has been the end of free time in any way, shape, or form. Each day turns into a mad rush from the moment you fall out of bed until the moment you fall back into it. Travelling, work, washing up, tidying up, ironing, and all manner of other chores eat every waking hour.

I have to keep telling myself that I am lucky to have a good jobthat there are many in a worse position. Yes, it's hard at the moment, but it won't always be (will it?), and at least I am valued among my co-workers.

I was summoned to meet a project manager this afternoonafter walking into her office she took one look at me and said “Don't worryfun. Tomorrow looks like a trip to “Build a Bear” with Miss 10 to spend her birthday money, and to help Miss 8 choose a new “Skylander”.

I realised earlier that I haven't played a video game for 3 weeks. That must be some kind of record.