One Post at a Time

Once upon a time I could conjure words onto the screen as readily as water comes from a tap. They would flow, splashing across the page, dripping from one idea to the next, finding their way without direction or purpose.

Somewhere along the way life happened. Bjorn Ulvaeus once commented that touring with ABBA killed creativity in a way he didn't like. A parallel can probably be drawn between their touring, and many aspects of my life. Throughout each day I run like busy idiot on a giant hamster wheel, turning somebody elses gearsand then return home to innumerable chores, expectations, and dependencies. By the time I get a chance to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard, which sounds far less romantic), most flighted thoughts have long departed.

Maybe the answer is to stop trying. To stop thinking “I should write something”, and start thinking “I need to write this down”. The posts will be less frequent, but at least they will be worthy of the time others devote to reading them.