One Thousand Lines
Today I wrote over a thousand lines of programming. Tomorrow morning I’ll try executing them, and hide behind something sturdy while they spew error messages all over the place. Or not. Sometimes my code works first time – it’s rare, but it happens.
I’m writing the programming to bring a system into existence – kind of like an IKEA flat-pack with a giant “build yourself” button. Damn – now I’ve got the “treat yo-self” meme from Parks and Recreation stuck in my head. If you see me wandering around your nearest shopping mall dressed as Batman, you know what happened.
Other than the programming, I have very little to report today. Being head-down in mounds of programming doesn’t really make for an anecdote laden day. It’s kind of hard to tell stories about that time when you realised you forgot to change that keyword, and that’s why that chunk of code fell over. Not exactly a good story, is it.
I’m sitting in the junk room at home while writing this. Miss 17 is alongside me, setting fire to Tumblr – well… kind of waving a sparkler vaguely near it. I’ve shown her how to find people, and she’s reaching out for a change. Reaching out is hard for her – watching her is kind of like watching Marlin in Finding Nemo.