Packing Bags
Tomorrow morning I leave for the coast. After a short walk to the local railway station I will board a succession of trains and buses that will (hopefully) deliver me to deepest, darkest cornwall by mid-afternoon.
My bags are packed – filled with enough clean clothes to see me through the next week before reversing the journey next Saturday.
I'm taking the Kindle rather than any paper books, and my “little laptop that could” (a hand-me-down that is just about capable of posting to the blog). After so many months coccooned in the study at home, it will be nice to escape for a few days – even if the primary purpose of my visit is to run errands, do chores, and so on.
My other half decided that going to the pub for dinner was a very good idea this evening, given that I won't be here next week. I think this had more to do with her having a rubbish day at work than me going away, but I'm not going to complain.
I'm starving. I might have to go sneak something from the kitchen before we go out later.
(half an hour passes, while I make a sandwich, and then return and fall into a deep internet rabbit hole, reading about the production of the movie “Wargames”). If you have an enquiring mind, access to the internet is like pouring petrol on a fire.
I suppose I should go and put a smart top on if we're going to the pub.