Perhaps a coffee will help ?
I'm not sure if I'm coming or going at the moment. My other half has been back at work yesterday and today – I go back on Monday. The washing machine has been on constantly, I've modified and re-hung a door, re-fitted the TV in our eldest's new room, tidied up and cleaned most of the house, been grocery shopping, and now can't figure out what to do next. A voice on one shoulder is telling me to sit and watch a movie with the kids. A voice on the other shoulder is telling me to get on with the next thing, and the next thing.
I'm not good at doing nothing. Even while sitting here in the study writing this on the computer, there are cogs turning in the back of my mind, figuring out what to do with the various places I hang out online – considering whittling everything down to just this blog, and having done with it. I've been cross-posting to Tumblr for a while, but pulled those posts today – there is no merit in posting the same content to more than one place online.
Maybe I should shut the computer down and go sit with a paper book or magazine somewhere. Knowing me, I will find a web development magazine, and then spend half the evening tinkering with something online. I'm good at jumping down entirely unnecessary rabbit holes. It's a key skill in “being me”.
Coffee. Perhaps a coffee will help.